AmfitCAM CNC Software
AmfitCAM is a software system that converts AMFIT Foot Scan Records into G-Code for use on nearly any tabletop CNC to serve as an insole manufacturing center. Small or large-scale insole production facilities have the freedom to select their own milling materials, and software users maintain the ability to modify Amfit foot records using our patented Correct and Confirm™ suite of editing tools.
Additionally, in support of the software system, AMFIT provides a Data Report Generator. The Report Generator is a powerful tool that retrieves lists of Scan records from the Cloud using queries chosen by the user. The lists become Fabrication manifests. The Report Generator can send the lists to both standard and label printers.
Software Configuration Description
- Broadband Internet
- CNC Computer configured with MS Windows 7 and later
- Activation licenses are required for each host installation
- Connection to Amfit Data Services
Software Features
- Central Data Services
- Mill Cuts Transaction Reporting
- Positive Block Milling
- Export Conversion to Paromed Mill Data